Read : firecars

Reading Notebook
AuthorMiyabe Miyuki
PublisherShincho Bunko

Brief comment: I am completely captivated by mystery novels and read them whenever I have time.
I am completely captivated by mystery novels and read them whenever I have time.

The story begins with a detective on leave who begins to search for the whereabouts of a certain woman, and I read the book with the feeling that I was acting along with him.

The glimpses of things and matters that prove the existence of human beings that I glimpsed in the novel reminded me that the situation was very different from the one I had previously depicted in my mind.
It was also very interesting to contrast the interest in credit cards and ideas about computers with those of the present day, as if they represented the state of the world at that time (circa 1998).

The disappearance of the missing woman, which was vague at the beginning of the book, gradually revealed its outlines as I read on, and I was swallowed up into the story.

It was one of those books that I will read again and again, as there were times when I suddenly found myself reflecting on myself.

火車 (新潮文庫) | みゆき, 宮部 |本 | 通販 | Amazon
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