Read : Six Lying College Students

Reading Notebook
TitleSix Lying College Students
AuthorAkinari Asakura

Brief Comment
This is a popular book that was nominated for the 2022 Honya Taisho (Bookstore Grand Prize).

I started reading it leisurely, thinking it was something in the distant past for me, but suddenly a game of werewolf started.
I wondered if werewolves were a common trend, and then a feeling like an elevator plummeting hit me.

One after another, my shallow assumptions were betrayed, and this time, the speed of the game was so fast that it was as if the accelerator was suddenly stepped on, and I was able to read the book in one go.

It was a wonderful book that left me with a very big but pleasant sigh when I finished reading it.

六人の嘘つきな大学生 | 浅倉 秋成 |本 | 通販 | Amazon
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