Title | : | Red, Blue and Esquisse |
Author | : | Michiko Aoyama |
Publisher | : | PHP Research Institute |
Pages | : | 248 |
Price | : | 1,500 yen + tax |
Introduction | : | A new work by the author of “Please come to the library to find what you are looking for.”, which won second place in the 2021 Honya Taisho (Bookstore Grand Prize)! A painting (Esquisse) by a young Melbourne artist. After more than 30 years in Japan, the painting spins a miracle between the two of them. A must-read twice! A masterpiece series of short stories full of tricks.。 |
A word of advice
Each of the short stories is connected to the other in a flowing manner. I was able to put myself in the space of each story with my thoughts.
When I finished reading to the end, I felt a pleasant sense of weakness and then flipped the cover again.
Reading the book a second time while chewing on it opens up a completely different view.
I hope many people will read this book.
赤と青とエスキース | 青山 美智子 |本 | 通販 | Amazon
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