Read: # One morning I was a murderer

Reading Notebook
Title# One morning I was a murderer
AuthorKiyomi Fujii
Price1,600 yen + tax
Introduction Junya Uki (28) is an unsuccessful comedian who has been working with Masaki Sato (25) in the comic duo “Slenders” for three years. One morning, Flirt wakes up to find that rumors are spreading on social networking sites that he is a hit-and-run driver; the tragic hit-and-run of a six-year-old girl is about to expire, and the netizens are outraged–and he is the one who is responsible. The more he denies that he had anything to do with it, the more his past is revealed and his privacy is exposed. If you want your life back, you have to find the culprits! A roller-coaster experience that exposes the mechanisms of flame wars and personal attacks in all their nakedness!

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A few words of feedback:.
The story of the comedian proceeds in a way that is disconnected from the accident scene at the beginning of the film. Suddenly, he is visited by the dark side of the internet society from a false accusation. He was cornered, and the sense of sprinting in the backwater was so fast that he could not see the surrounding scenery too fast.
The difference between “fact” and “truth” is also depicted in this book.
Is what I am seeing now “fact” or “truth”?

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#ある朝殺人犯になっていた | 藤井 清美 |本 | 通販 | Amazon
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