Read: Murder at the Corpse Manor

Reading Notebook
TitleMurder in a Corpse Manor
AuthorMasahiro Imamura
Masahiro ImamuraTokyo Sogensha
Price1,700 yen + tax
Introduction Yuzuru Hayamura, a member of the Jinghong University Mystery Club, and Kyosuke Akechi, the president of the club, are interested in the summer camp of the film club, which is known to have a lot of controversy, and visit Shiseido with Hiruko Kenzaki, a beautiful detective who is also a student at the university. The members of the film club, who are not concerned about the “legend,” go to a shrine to try out their courage, but they encounter an unimaginably unusual situation and are forced to stay holed up in Shiseizou. After a night of tension and confusion, one of the club members is found brutally murdered. This is only the beginning of a series of murders. In the depths of ultimate despair, will Hayamura, Akechi, and Hiruko survive and solve the mystery? The 27th Tetsuya Ayukawa Award-winning novel, which was highly acclaimed by the judges, is a perfect fusion of the bizarre and the authentic!

A few words about the book: “I was excited to read it at first.
I was excited to read the book at the beginning, but the outlandish incidents that occurred in the middle of the book completely dampened my enthusiasm. I thought, “Well, it’s a novel, so there are bound to be developments like this,” and somehow I persevered and finished reading the book to the end.

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