Read : Sewing Water

Reading Notebook
TitleStitching Water
AuthorHaruna Teradi
Price1,600 yen + tax
IntroductionKiyosumi Matsuoka is a first-year high school student. Her father and mother divorced when she was one year old, and she lives with her grandmother, her mother who works at the city office, and her older sister, Sui Qing, who is about to get married.
Kiyosumi is teased at school for her love of handicrafts and stands out from everyone around her. She declares that she will make a wedding dress by hand for her sister, who is not fond of cute things or glamorous occasions, but… “Minamo”.
After divorcing her husband, who has never been able to be a father, she struggles to make ends meet, but her son Kiyosumi only becomes more difficult to deal with. At that time, his mother taught him the important “right to fail” in child-rearing–“The Fountain of Love” and six other chapters.
A refreshing family novel that goes beyond the “ordinary” in the world.

A word of advice
What is a “normal” way of life? This book reminds us once again that we cannot judge a person’s way of thinking or way of life by someone who is not that person. Leave the great successes and glorious achievements to some fairy tale, and let’s look at the honest way of life of the people who live in the real world right beside us. It is a very beautiful, natural, and heartwarming book.

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