Read: Virus of Evil Demons

Reading Notebook
TitleVirus of Evil Demons
AuthorAtsuto Ninomiya
First EditionJune 2015

Brief Comment :
This is a horror suspense novel written by Atsuto Ninomiya, the author of The Last Doctor series. It has also been comicalized.

The story revolves around Tomoki and his friends, high school students who are caught up in a startling incident in Ishio Village, an isolated island on land that they visit on a date during their summer vacation. In this village, adults who have turned 18 are locked up in dungeons by armed children, and the reason for this is related to a mysterious virus that has spread in the village.

The book depicts people whose hearts are cornered and broken, and the tragedy caused by the lies they tell to protect those they care about. The reader is drawn into how Tomoki and his friends escape from this extraordinary situation and what the truth is. The emotions and actions of the characters are described in detail, conveying a sense of tension and fear.

It also made me think about human psychology and social mechanisms. Particularly impressive was the process by which the reasons and methods by which children imprison adults are gradually revealed. The author skillfully created a development that both misled and convinced the reader.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes horror and suspense. It is shocking, but it also contains a profound message. 【文庫】 悪鬼のウイルス (文芸社文庫 に 2-2) : 二宮 敦人: 本 【文庫】 悪鬼のウイルス (文芸社文庫 に 2-2) : 二宮 敦人: 本


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