Read : The sunflower that disappeared in the rain

Reading Notebook
TitleThe sunflower that disappeared in the rain
AuthorEri Yoshikawa
Price790 yen + tax
First EditionMarch 9, 2022
IntroductionA fifth-grade girl disappears in Saitama. Nara, a member of the prefectural police, also begins to investigate. The girl’s personal belongings are found in unexpected places, and a man has his eye on her. The investigation headquarters is downsized, but Nara continues his search. What drives him is the presence of his sister, who was once humiliated by a stranger and is still traumatized. Will Nara’s persistence lead to the discovery of the girl? A masterpiece by a new standard-bearer of police fiction.

A word of advice.
With a subject matter that could have been reported in the real news, a girl goes missing, the book details the life of the searchers behind the scenes and the outlines of the surrounding characters. The movement of people’s lives as they grow up and move from place to place over a large passage of time is heartbreaking.

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