Read : Meguru

Reading Notebook
AuthorRuka Inui
PublisherTokyo Sogensha
Price780 yen + tax
First EditionAugust 30, 2013
Introduction“You should go. The students are suddenly approached by a beautiful but faceless, strangely powerful female employee of H University’s student affairs department. Why is it that she introduces them by name to jobs that seem so simple, such as replacing store merchandise and tending to the garden? What will happen to the students who visit her part-time job, will it be a nuisance or a miracle? This is a collection of works that leaves a beautiful aftertaste.

A word of advice
A mysterious story unfolds through a part-time job arranged by a university. Everyone’s wounds are healed or imprinted with salt, and although it is only a part-time job, a very important experience awaits the student.

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