Read : Murder License

Reading Notebook
TitleMurder License
AuthorBin Konno
Price640 yen + tax
First EditionApril 25, 2019
IntroductionA high school student encountered the online game “Murder License”. The same incident as in the game happened in reality. The name of the victim is also the same, and the high school student, Kyu, together with his classmate’s father, a detective, begins to investigate the case -…

A word of advice.
This is a story about the connection between online games and real life, a story that I fear may already be happening in real life. I sincerely hope that those who are thinking of abusing the Internet for dubious purposes will desist, as the Internet is no longer anonymous. 殺人ライセンス (角川文庫) : 今野 敏: 本 殺人ライセンス (角川文庫) : 今野 敏: 本


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