Read : Forest of Sheep and Steel

Reading Notebook
TitleForest of Sheep and Steel
AuthorNatsu Miyashita
Price680 yen + tax
First EditionFebruary 9, 2018
Introduction13th Honya Taisho Award, 4th Branch Book Award 2015, 13th Kinobes! 2016 1st place …… legendary triple crown!
The novel that shook the hearts of readers all over Japan is finally available in paperback!
It is forgiving. In harmony with the world.
How wonderful it is to be in harmony with the world.
If you can’t express it in words, you should be able to express it in sound.

Tonomura has been fascinated by the world of piano tuning ever since he met Itadori, a piano tuner, by chance when he was in high school.
This moving work, written in a warm and tranquil style, tells the story of a young man’s growth through interactions with his piano-loving sisters, seniors, and former teachers.

Commentary is by Takako Sato, winner of the Honya Taisho Award for “Kaze no Kaze ni Nare” (“Be the Wind for a Moment”).

The film is completed with a splendid cast!
The film stars Kento Yamazaki as a young man in Tonomura, Tomokazu Miura as Itadori, a tuner he admires, Ryohei Suzuki as Yanagi, a senior tuner, and Mone Kamihiraishi and Moka as the pianist sisters.

The film is about a young pianist and his sisters, Mone and Moka Kamihiraishi. You don’t live with or without talent. I don’t want to be dictated to by something I don’t know if I have or don’t have. We have to search for something more certain with our own hands. (From the text)”

A few thoughts:
I learned to play the piano when I was in elementary school, and I read this book with nostalgia, wondering how the tuner who came to our house at that time must have felt. The craftsman’s struggle and his connection with the people around him allowed me to immerse myself in a wonderful worldview. The commentary by Ms. Takako Sato included a description that made me feel thumping, and I had to read the book again from the beginning.

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