Read: Doghouse at Home!

Reading Notebook
TitleDoghouse at Home!
AuthorJunko Oyama
Price1,600 yen + tax
First EditionNovember 4, 2022
IntroductionA touching work by the author of “Nekoben” and “Azukariya-san” series, which have sold over 700,000 copies.

Recommended by Aya Sugimoto, an actress involved in animal welfare activities.
Just as there are dramas in life, there are dramas in the lives of dogs. I was moved to tears by the loneliness and heartbreak of the two dogs. The loving life you lead with your dog is warm and heartwarming.

The only condition for moving in is that you must have a partner.
The home is run by a woman called “Madame” and a manager named Yokosuka, and the residents include a former yakuza, a man with little time left to live, and a woman who has been committing fraud.
The story makes you feel happy as you read how the dogs and people who seek a place to live support each other.

A few comments:
Dogs from all walks of life. It was a heartwarming story of people’s wounds being healed at Nisha Shashan, a home for the elderly that is a great motherly figure. It is a wonderful book that makes you think that such a place would be a good place for humans to end up.

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