Read: Twilight Beer

Reading Notebook
TitleTwilight Beer
AuthorIto Ogawa
First EditionFebruary 2015
IntroductionIto is busy searching for treasures at a flea market in Paris and tantalizing her taste buds at a food stall while watching the sunset in Morocco. Finding a favorite café on her travels, she reads books, writes letters, and thinks about that person. When I return home at the end of the year, I make an Osechi calendar and get ready to welcome the new year. This popular diary essay describes the happiness of taking care of the things that are taken for granted, but which we tend to forget in our daily lives.

A word of advice:
I sometimes pick up essay books, but this work makes me feel relaxed as if I am sharing the daily life in a region I have not yet visited with them, as if we are sharing a leisurely time together. It is as if we were able to share a precious time together in real life, rather than in the turbulent world of a novel.

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