Using yay instead of pacman


On Arch Linux, you need to type “sudo pacman -S hogehoge” to install an application, but there is a shorter way to do it.

Installing “yay”

$ sudo pacman -S yay

Manjaro has “yay” registered in the official repositories, so it can be installed with the pacman command.

How to use “yay”

“yay” can be run as an ordinary user without sudo, but you may be asked to enter your password if necessary.

Command Correspondence Table

yay commandpacman commanddebian systemContents
yay -Ss foopacman -Ss fooapt search fooSearching for packages
yay -S foosudo pacman -S foosudo apt install fooInstalling packages
yay -R foosudo pacman -R foosudo apt remove fooRemoving packages
yaysudo pacman -Syusudo apt update && sudo apt upgradeUpdating packages

In my case, when I start Manjaro, the first thing I do is launch Terminal and type “yay” to keep myself from typing, which could have been done with cron, but somehow I just thought, “Come on! Let’s get started! I can use cron, but I feel like, “Let’s get started!



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