Read : Bomb

Reading Notebook
AuthorGo Katsuhiro
Price1,800 yen + tax
Introduction★★★★Celebrate W No.1!
Japan’s largest mystery ranking, “This Mystery is Amazing! 2023 Edition” (Takarajimasya), “I want to read mystery! 2023 Edition” (Hayakawa Mystery Magazine, January 2023 issue).
If you don’t read this, you can’t talk about “seasonal” mysteries!
The 167th Naoki Prize nominee.
◎Received rave reviews from all over the world! ◎Blazing Tokyo.

Tokyo, in flames. Can justice be served?

A middle-aged man with a droll appearance is taken into custody at the Nogata Police Station for a minor assault.
The police dismiss him as a mere drunk, but during the interrogation, the man predicts that an explosion will occur in Akihabara at 10:00 a.m. Immediately after, an abandoned building in Akihabara goes up in flames.
Soon after, an abandoned building in Akihabara explodes. Is this man “the real one”? The man then tells him bluntly, “Three times from here, the next time will be the first time.
The next explosion will occur in one hour.
Can the police stop the explosion?
A nonstop mystery that will make you shudder at the malicious intent of the bomber.

A word of advice
The attack and defense against the bomber unfolds in the interrogation room and at the scene of the crime. I frowned many times, wondering how words can metamorphose into something so hideous.
It was a book that made me sweat unpleasantly and a little heartbreaking, reminding me once again of the deepest emotions of human beings.
I may try it again, holding myself together so that I don’t get brainwashed by the bomber. 爆弾 : 呉 勝浩: 本 爆弾 : 呉 勝浩: 本


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