Read: 15-year-old terrorist

Reading Notebook
Title15-year-old terrorist
AuthorRyoya Matsumura
Price610 yen + tax
Introduction“Blow it all up!
 The Shinjuku station bombing incident occurred after a sudden warning. The suspect is Atsuto Watanabe. The crime committed by a 15-year-old boy shook the world.
 Ando, a reporter who follows juvenile crimes, knew Atsuto Watanabe. A lonely boy he once met at a juvenile crime victim’s association. What drove him to commit such a heinous act? With no progress in the investigation, Ando follows the footsteps of the boy who has disappeared.
 When Ando arrives at the shocking truth behind the case, the 15-year-old terrorist’s final battle is about to begin.
Every time you turn the page, your common sense is betrayed. Tetsuya Sano (author of “Kimi wa Tsukiyo ni Hikari Shine”) also praised the book highly!
A shocking and moving story of wailing lamentations by Ryoya Matsumura, who created a sensation with his unprecedentedly shocking work “Tada, That’s All I Needed”!

A word of advice
What is justice? What is revenge? Where should our anger be directed? The viewpoint of oneself, the viewpoint of others, and the misuse of ignorance. Was the response taken by the lonely boy who became a terrorist really the right one? I sighed at the consequences of continuing to move. And what is the truth?

15歳のテロリスト (メディアワークス文庫)
なぜ少年はテロリストになったのか――衝撃と感動が迫りくる慟哭ミステリー 「すべて、吹き飛んでしまえ」 突然の犯行予告のあとに起きた新宿駅爆破事件。容疑者は渡辺篤人。たった15歳の少年の犯行は、世間を震撼させた。 少年犯罪を追う記者・安藤は、渡辺篤人を知っていた。かつて、少年犯罪被害者の会で出会った、孤独な少年。何が、彼...

