Read: The Children of Shylock

Reading Notebook
TitleChildren of Shylock
AuthorJun Ikeido
Price700 yen + tax
IntroductionOn that day, the bank turns into a battlefield. ……
A cash loss incident at a bank branch in a certain town.
Suspicion falls on a female employee, but another man disappears……!
The pride of a tapped-out man, and his feelings for his family: ……
The conflicts of the bank employees behind the incident.

The author, Mr. Ikeido, has declared, “This is a monumental book that determined the way I write novels.
This is a masterpiece of mystery, the starting point and the pinnacle of his work.

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A few words on the book
The backgrounds and feelings of each of the characters in the bank setting are fully developed. I was able to read the story with a sense of each character’s position and thoughts, and was gripped by the desperate struggles of the human beings to survive.

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