Read : The Evil One

Reading Notebook
TitleThe Evil One
AuthorShuichi Yoshida
Price900 yen + tax
IntroductionYuichi, a construction worker, tries to save Kano, whom he met on a dating website, from being left behind deep in the mountains, and ends up killing her. Around the same time, Yuichi and Mitsuyo, who met on the same website, are attracted to each other and embark on a journey of escape. The perpetrator and the victim, their families and friends. Who in the world is the bad guy? A timeless masterpiece that clearly depicts the various thoughts and feelings that crossed their paths.

A word of advice.
Selfish thoughts of human beings are probably hidden in everyone’s mind. When they are unleashed outwardly, they cross paths in a big way. And small lies embody selfish thoughts and hurt various things. When I understood the very thought of regret, I reflected to myself that selfish thoughts are still something that must be kept hidden inside of us.

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