Read: A cat tries to protect a book

Reading Notebook
TitleA cat tries to protect a book
AuthorSosuke Natsukawa
Price650 yen + tax
First EditionSeptember 11, 2022
Introduction“Do you just want to be a know-it-all?”
Rintaro Natsuki is a high school student. His parents divorced when he was very young, and his mother passed away when he was still young, so his grandfather took him in when he was in elementary school. Since then, he has lived alone with his grandfather. He runs a small antiquarian bookstore called “Natsuki Bookstore” in a corner of the town. My grandfather passed away suddenly. Rintaro’s aunt, whom he had never met, takes him in and while sorting through his books, he encounters a tigerneko that speaks human language behind a bookshelf. The tigerneko asks for Rintaro’s help to protect the books.

Let’s not talk about money, let’s talk about the book we read today.

A 21st century version of “Night on the Galactic Railroad” by the author of the bestseller “God’s Chart” that brought tears to my eyes!

Translated with (free version)

本を守ろうとする猫の話 (小学館文庫 な 13-5)
「お前は、ただの物知りになりたいのか?」 夏木林太郎は、一介の高校生である。幼い頃に両親が離婚し、さらには母が若くして他界したため、小学校に上がる頃には祖父の家に引き取られた。以後はずっと祖父との二人暮らしだ。祖父は町の片隅で「夏木書店」という小さな古書店を営んでいる。その祖父が突然亡くなった。面識のなかった叔母に引き...

