Read : Sakura

Reading Notebook
AuthorKanako Nishi
Price1,400 yen + tax
First publishedMarch 20, 2005
IntroductionHer brother, who was a superstar of sorts, was involved in an accident and committed suicide. Her sister, who was extremely beautiful and everyone looked at her, shut herself away after her brother’s death. My mother also became addicted to overeating and drinking. I, too, left my parents’ home and entered a university in Tokyo. All that remained was my old dog, whom I named “Sakura” because he had a cherry petal on his tail when I found him. It was the end of a year when the family’s light was about to go out. As if driven by some impulse, I left my girlfriend, who was begging me to spend the New Year’s holiday with her, behind and returned to my parents’ house. I said, “I’m going home at the end of the year. Dad,” I said. In my hand, I held a letter from my father, who had run away from home, written in the margin of the back of a flyer at the supermarket with a faint pressure of the brush.
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