A Gift from a Cat

Todays Notion

A few months after we moved our home and office to a new location, the cats in the area seem to have been replaced by a variety of cats coming and going. Among them, a scrawny, skinny female cat began to frequent the garden.
As we observed, the skinny female cat seemed to be very popular and was being followed by a number of male cats, who were annoyed and threatened to “shoo-shoo” her.

One day the skinny female cat stopped coming to the garden, and we spent many days worrying about her. We were worried because a few days ago, another cat of a different pattern was hit by a car at a nearby intersection. We were reminded once again that the cats living in the area are still in a tough situation.

When the leaves began to turn green, to my wife’s surprise, the skinny cat suddenly appeared through a gap in the hedge in our yard. The skinny cat was flanked on either side by two very small kittens of completely different patterns.

Although the skinny cat was gray striped, the two kittens that walked up with him were both brown and unreliable-looking enough to fit in the palm of your hand.
The father and kittens went on to live under the eaves of a shed in the yard, sometimes running around the yard as if they were having a field day.

As time passed and the two kittens grew to the size of their scrawny parents, they would often disappear for days at a time, seemingly close to being on their own. The next to disappear, however, was the scrawny parent kitten, who has not returned since.

The two kittens looked as if they were looking for the skinny kitten for a while, but then they began to fight over territory.
Each had a different personality and a different body pattern: one was brown all over, with a darker brown, swirling pattern. The other had a brown back and white belly and toes. The one with the brown back and white belly won the turf war.

After winning the territorial battle, they started to visit each other in the room, and now they spend most of the daytime sleeping soundly in the cat hammock in the living room facing the garden.

Usually, the cats are engaged in fierce battles with each other, but for some reason, they make sweet noises in the room and rub themselves against each other’s legs as if they were bumping into each other.

We believe that they have been entrusted with kittens by their skinny parents, and we would like to keep an eye on them.
Incidentally, even though they lost the territorial battle, the brown cat with swirling patterns also sneaks a peek at us and we are able to cherish it from another room.

The skinny parent cat left a present for those of us who have no children. Thank you. Both of your children are fine.


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