Read: Thou art like a star

Reading Notebook
TitleThou art like a star
AuthorYu Nagira
Price1,600 yen + tax
IntroductionThe love is too sad.
Bound by righteousness, cursed by love, we still live.
A masterpiece by the author of “The Wandering Moon,” winner of the Honya Taisho Award, that resonates deep in the heart.

I want to make a mistake in my life for the sake of the man I love.

Akimi, a high school student growing up on a scenic island in the Seto Inland Sea, and Kai, a high school student transferred to the island after being swept away by his mother’s free-spirited love life.
Both of them are lonely and lacking in their hearts, but they are drawn to each other, cross paths, and grow up together.
The author, who has been depicting the freedom and inconvenience of life, spins a story of love that is not one and the same.

Decent people are an illusion. We have no choice but to live our own lives.

Translated with (free version)

A word of advice
The two protagonists grow up from the bottom and the adults around them do not change at all.
The two young people are bewildered by the speed of their growth. The less time they had to spare, the more they were able to see what was going on around them. When they can afford it, they can no longer see their surroundings at all.
They have no choice but to accept the painful, struggling, and helpless reality.
The brilliant light that each of them emitted may have been a firework for that moment.

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