Read : The Devil’s Listening

Reading Notebook
TitleThe Devil’s Listening
AuthorAtsuhiko Nakamura
PublisherAsuka Shinsha
Price1,400 yen + tax
IntroductionTotal of 1 million copies sold
A professional interviewer revealed for the first time!
A great sensation, “It’s simple but profound”! 
The book quickly went into the 11th printing of 50,000 copies!

Are you doing it by accident?
Three major evils that kill a conversation!
×x Denial
×x Comparing
×Talking about yourself

With a little awareness
Your listening skills will improve devilishly!

This book is about “how to get more and more of your partner’s true feelings out of them”.
It’s a dangerous skill that can cause changes in your relationships.
The author has already had a good relationship with friends and acquaintances with whom he has a good rapport.
I have sealed off the use of Devil’s Listening to friends and acquaintances with whom I already have a good relationship.
However, even with these side effects
However, even with these side effects, it is still beneficial to know the true feelings of the other person.

It is effective for people and situations like these!
 ◎I want to know the true nature of the person I am dating.
 ◎I want to find out sensitive information about a client.
 ◎I want to know more about the applicant’s personality than can be learned from the resume alone
 ◎I want to be strong in 1-on-1 communication
 ◎I want to deepen communication with subordinates and superiors
 ◎I want to increase the number of clients who nominate me
 ◎More in-depth interviews
 ◎Education and welfare consultation support field

A word of advice
As a writer, I don’t do full-fledged listening as the author does, but I read this book to improve the quality of the conversation itself by listening, as I am shy and not a good talker.
I found the book to be very helpful in how to set up a sensor when having a conversation.
I would like to read the book several times and put it into practice further.

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