Read : Omokage

Reading Notebook
AuthorJiro Asada
Price840 yen + tax
First EditionNovember 13, 2020
IntroductionThe last chapter of this book cannot be read without tears.
A new masterpiece by the author depicting the miracle of life.
A man who grew up in loneliness, built a warm family, and collapsed on the subway on his way home from retirement.
A story of love and a miracle that is too sad to be true.

Takewaki, who worked as an elite company employee until his retirement, collapses on the subway on his way home from a farewell party and loses consciousness. As his family and friends visit him one after another, Takewaki’s mind wanders outward, and various forgotten memories are recalled. He recalls his lonely childhood, his son who died at an early age, and ……. The final chapter is a masterpiece that cannot be read without tears. A masterpiece from the author’s heart.

Twenty-five years after his timeless masterpiece “RIDING THE METRO,” Jiro Asada has written a new masterpiece.
A new masterpiece by Jiro Asada is now available in a long-awaited paperback edition.

Commentary by Yuri Nakae

A few words:
If there is such a thing as the afterlife, I hope it is something like this book. You can discover feelings that cannot be conveyed or felt when you are alive. It is such a romantic book.

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